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[17] invite his attendance forthwith.

Mr Clark was charged with said message, who having attended to the service assigned him reported to the Convention that the Governor would attend forthwith.

Accordingly the Governor, attended by the officers of the several departments & preceded by the Sheriff of Kennebec, came in and before the President of the Senate and in presence of the two Houses took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon his official duties and the Secretary of State thereupon made proclamation thereof, when the Governor and those in attendance with him withdrew. The Senators also withdrew.

An order came from the Senate appointing Messrs Talbot Severance & Greene with such as the House may join a Committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the two branches of the Legislature are now in Session and ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make and the House concurred and Messrs Parris of Buckfield, Emery of Saco, Humphrey of Gray, Higgins of Exeter and Sproule of Waldoboro were joined, who having attended to the duties assigned them reported that the Governor answered he would forthwith make a written communication to both branches of the Legislature by the Secretary of State.

Accordingly the Secretary of State came in and laid upon the Speakers table a written message which was read from the chair - & on motion of Mr Soule of Freeport ordered to be laid on the table and 1000 copies thereof with the accompanying documents printed under the sup -