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Soap Stone and Lime Company (reported by Mr. Jewett from the Committee on Manufactures on petition of Daniel Lunt and others; Bill additional to an Act to prevent the destruction of pickerel in Chandlers Mill Pond and Joel Beans Mill Pond (reported by Mr Weeks, from the Committee on Interior Fisheries, on petition of William Vance and others,) severally read once and to morrow at ten o clock assigned for a second reading.

Bill to change the name of Milburn was read the second time, and the same on motion of Mr. Fish was ordered to lie on the table.

Bill to authorize the Alderman of Cities and Selectmen of towns to appoint Measurers of Salt Corn and Grain -"- to renew the Charter of Kittery Point Bridge; Resolve in favor of Joshua Hathaway severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Phipsburg Coal Company was read the second time and passed to be engrossed as amended, in concurrence.