Hallowell, town of, Bill requiring the use of Broad Rimmed Wheels in, 325. 339. " Harmonic Society, Bill to incorporate 77. 80. 100. Harpswell Soap Stone Company, " 167. 174. 206. Harris, Mark, Treasurer, annual report of 54.
elected, 210. notified 242. acceptance 270. 323. Resolve in favor of, 340. 352. 354.
Highways, Bill additional relative to laying out &c. 337. " in the County of Waldo, Resolve respecting 270. 294. Hobbs, John, Resolve in favor of 342. 347. 362. Hodsdon, Isaac, Resolve in favor of, 294. 315. Holden, Samuel, " " 168. 172. 179. 200. Horticultural Society 120. 260. 266. 279. 289. Hospital, Insane, Resolve for establishing 286. 300. 306. 339. Hotel, Hallowell, Bill additional to incorporate 351. 361. " Portland, Bill to incorporate 77. 108. 109. 116.
Imprisonment of honest debtors for debt, Bill additional to abolish, 263. 294. 310. 324. 326. 358. Indian lands, Governor's message transmitting report relative to Resolve for the purchase of 45. 62. " " Resolve for the purchase of, 355. Indians, Penobscot Tribe, Resolve relative to, 38. " " " Resolve in favor of 163. 174. 188. 206.
Resolve relating to land purchased of 359
" Passamaquoddy Resolve in favor of 149. 179. 206. " " " " 172. 194. 206 Innholders, Retailers & Common Victuallers, Bill for the regulation of 345. 357. 360. 362. 363. 364. Insane (see Deaf and Dumb.) " Hospital, Resolve for establishing 286. 300. 306. 339. Institutions, Literary 27. 42. Instruction, primary, & the better qualification of Instructors, 41