Vacancies in tenth Senatorial District filled 18 Valuation for 1835, report on an order relative to, referred 30,report 199. Vassalborough Academy, Bill to incorporate 162,210,238. Victuallers, Common, Innholders, Retailers, Bill in relation to 325,335,338,343., Senatorial Votes, Senatorial laid on table by Secretary of State 5, referred 5, report 11-14. Votes, Gubernatorial laid on table by Secretary of State 6, referred 6 report 9. Votes, given in several towns ( ?) agreeably to the " Resolve proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State." laid on the table by the Secretary of State 83, referred, 83 report 137.
Waldo Coal, Iron, and Marble Mining & Manufacturing Company 291,318. Waldo County, Bill authorizing the county Commissioners for, to lay out a highway over tide waters in Belfast, and inhabitants of the town of Belfast to Build a Bridge over the same 169,174,188,208. Warden of State Prison report of, referred 96, report 292.