Resolve for the appointment of an Agent to superintend the erection of an Insane Hospital -"- authorizing the Commissioners for the County of Washington to locate a County road over land belonging to the State -"- in favor of Patricktown Plantation. -"- in favor of William Dolland Jr. and the same were severally finally passed
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed, Bill to incorporate the Bangor and Lower Stillwater Manufacturing Company;
-"- to incorporate the Bridgton Manufacturing Company; -"- to incorporate the Casco Steam Manufacturing Company -"- to incorporate the Hancock and Penobscot Rail Road Company -"- to incorporate the Union Wharf Company; -"- to incorporate the Portland Exchange Company; -"- to incorporate the Washington Pipe Company -"- to establish the Phipsburg Coal Company -"- additional for the more effectually ascertaining the quality of Pot and Pearl Ashes, and regulating the Inspectors fees;