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[transcribed by Cynthia S. DellaPenna]

                              Hilton Head, S. C.
                                      June 23d 1862
    Your letter of May 30th and

one of an earlier date has come into my possession. I also received one from Mother 9th inst. a few days ago.

             I have had very little

time to write lately. You must not expect me to write as often as all my correspondents at Hope. I received the papers you sent. I have had the toothache for the past few days. All the boys from Hope and vicinity are well excepting Noah [1] who has not got very smart yet.

        Corp. Young of Co. E [2] this week 

was instantly killed by a stroke of lightening. He was on

[footnotes] [1. Noah Dunton (1844 – 1915) enlisted as a Private promoted through the ranks, mustered out in 1866 as a 2nd Lieutenant.

2. Corp. Henry Young, 8th Maine Infantry Regiment, Co. E, died June 19, 1862 – killed by lightening]