Bill to regulate the sale of Rye and Indian meal (introduced in the House) -"- to provide for the expenditures of the government, (reported in the House by the Committee on Finance severally read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
Report of the Committee on Finance in relation to the Financial concerns of the State - read and ordered that said Report be published by the Secretary of State in the Newspapers that publish the laws of the State and also in the pamphlet of Resolves published under his direction, in concurrence
The Senate, on motion of Mr Jewett, reconsider their vote of Yesterday passing the order directing the Secretary of the Senate to make up the Pay Roll of the Senate and its officers including Monday next; and order that the Pay Roll be made up including tomorrow.
Resolve concerning the State Prison ( reported in the House by the Committee on State Prison was read twice, amended and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
Bill to incorporate the Nequemkeag Bank came up from the House passed to be engrossed. The Senate recede from their vote refusing the same a passage and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Purrington, the Senate reconsider their vote of yesterday accepting the report of the Committee on the Resolve of the State of Ohio relative to altering the Constitution