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Perhaps you are. We will only reason upon the subject. Sup-pose you were now to rely wholly, for all time to come, upon your own wits, your own resources, for a livelihood,-upon your own earnings, for your board, +clothing, + for all the comforts + pleasures of life,-that you could have nothing [underlined] except what you could procure by your own calculations + labor. Don't you think, then, you would find it necessary to adopt a more rigid economy [underlined]? Don't you think, then, by a [underlined] little [underlined] extra [underlined] care [underlined], you could save one pr. boots, in a year?,-one pr. pants?- a [illegible] or 2? a 1/2 doz. collars? a cap? a few dollars scattered away for needless trifles? And much [underlined] which you spend in various ways? Let us look at your income + expenses [underlined], since you went to Boston.

[This section inserted sideways on the paper abutting the list below] you have worked like a hero + harder than I should be willing you should. And have 67 cts. a day. If it is so hard to earn [underlined] you must be proudest [underlined] in spending it. You may go and see Julia if you wish to, + I think it best. I [underlined] will [underlined] send [underlined] you [underlined] some [underlined] money [underlined] by Artemis [underlined]. I do not wish you to go W. just to kill [underlined] time. Pshaw!

2 months income $31.00 Paid out for board $32. Pants - $4. Vest $2. Expense