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May, Sunday, 10. 1863 This morning at 10 oclock we had an Inspection of Arms. At 1 oclock we packed up and marched again. we are going to march to Potomac Creek about 30 miles from Beolton [illegible]. We started at 1 oclock and marched abought 12 miles and avent into fomp. The weather has been very warm.

Monday, 11. Started on our march agina this morning at 7 oclock, arrived at our Camping place abought 2.P.M. We are Encamped near Potomac Creek in a very pretty place. I hope that we can have a few days to rest in for we are pretty well worn out and tired from our late long marches. The has been hot.

Tuesday, 12. To day we was in Camp. It has seemed like sunday from what it has been for the last 12 days. I wrote a letter home this forenoon and I received one from a friend in Sandwich Mass. The weather has been very warm to day, and it looks dry and smoky.

May, Wednesday, 13. 1863 This morning we went out abought one mile from Camp and grased our horses on grass then I went over to the 20th Maine Regt. to see some of my friends. Came back after dinner and was in Camp the rest of the day. Had a Regimental Inspection at 4 oclock. The weather has been quite cool to day.