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�Whereas the State of Maine by his Commissioner Lothrop Lewis Esq.. has engaged to assume and perform all the duties and obligations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts toward us and said tribe, whether the same arise from any writing of Indenture treaty or otherwise at present existing; And whereas said State of Maine has obtained our consent and that of our said tribe to said assumption and arrangement --

Now Know all people to whom these presents shall come, That we whose hands and seals are hereunto affixed for and in behalf of ourselves and Penobscot tribe of Indians, so called, to which we belong & which we represent, in consideration of the premises, do hereby release to said Commonwealth of Massachusetts all claims and stipulations of what name or nature so ever which we or all or any of us, or our said tribe have on or against said commonwealth arising under any writing of indenture, treaty or otherwise, existing between said Commonwealth of Massachusetts and said Penobscot Tribe of Indians --

In witness whereof we the undersigned chiefs, captains, and men of said tribe representing the whole thereof, have hereunto set our hands and seals this seventeenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty

[divides into two columns, left transcribed first] Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us } Wm D Williamson Wm Emerson Joseph Treat Stephen L. Lewis J M Blake Eben Webster

[right column with lighter diamonds where seals would be] Governor John his + mark Etien Lieut Governor John his + mark Neptune Francis his x mark Lolan Captain Etien his x mark Mitchell Captain