� Guarding trains to the front 71 This near where Genl Dalgreen was killed last winter on Kilpatrick rode to Richmond. 31st A fair day. We started at six oclock A.M. We camped 3 miles south of Danforth, and 4 miles south of the Matapang [?] river. June 1st A fair day. We started at six oclock in the morning. Crossed and rear picket line at ten oclock A.M. Heard canonading since yesterday morning. Saw a lot of prisoners and wounded going to the white house. We arived at armey headquarters at sunset. Sharp fireing in the evening 2d A fair day. We went to corps headquarters earley in the morning. Go to our regt at 10 oclock A.M. Neat Bathasday Church [inserted] They lay in brestworks and the picket are fireing. The line fell back at three oclock P.M. about 80 rods to get a better position. A heavy shower while we wer moving, and the rebs go on our right flank fired into us but did not hurt us much.