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�D. Sir. [?] Winafield [?], April 10, 1794

                                            4 o'clock P.M.

On my arrival here this afternoon from Hallowell I found this Letter in the Post Office. Considering the urgency of the Order I present the incapacity of the M. General to attend to the business- I judged it eligible to transmit copies thereof to Colonel Starret [?] , Lt. Colo. Dodge (who commands the late Emerson's regiment & to Colonel Lemont. [Note between lines: which I have accordingly done.] The latter of which accompanies this- And I wish you to enclose seal address & forward the same to him as soon as may be after you receive it.

The original Order after showing it to the General, I will thank you to forward to me, that it may lay on file in the D.A. General's Office.

I am with usual esteem D. Sir [?] yours in haste

H. Sewall

Major Davidson A.D. Camp to M. Genl Lithgow

[Additional note at the bottom of the order] April 18, 1794 Gen'l Lithgow's compliments to the Adjut Genl, to whom, he tenders his sincere thanks for his seasonable attention to, & prompt execution of the within Order.