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General Orders Head Quarters, Boston, September 18, 1795.

The Commander in Chief having taken into consideration a Plan presented by Major General Dearborn, for forming the eighth Division (now comprising only the County of Lincoln) into two Brigades and eight Regiments, and having the advice of Council thereon -- Orders, That the eighth Division be formed into two Brigades and eight Regiments, according to the following arrangement, viz.

                      ~~First Brigade~~

[Regiments formed into columns across page, ie. 1 Regiment 2 Regiment 3 Regiment 4 Regiment, with town names below each column]

 1. Regiment

Georgetown ------------------ 3 Bath -----------------------------2 Topsham------------------------2 Bowdoinham----------------- 1 Bowdoin ---------East Co. 1

Companies ----- 9
 2. Regiment

Pownalborough------------1 Woolwich---------------------2 New Milford-----------------1 Newcastle ----- West Co.1 Edgecomb-------------------2 Boothbay------------------- 2

     Companies 9
 3. Regiment

Newcastle------- East Co. 1 Nobleborough-----------------1 Bristol--------------------------- 2 Waldoborough----------------2 Dammariscotta Pond------1 Balltown----------East Co. 1

     Companies 9
 4. Regiment

Warren-------------------------2 Cushing------------------------2 Thomaston--------------------1 Meburncook------------------1 Campden----------------------1 Union---------------------------1 Canaan or Barrels[?]------1

      Companies 9
                   ~~Second Brigade~~
 1. Regiment

Dresden-----------------------1 Pittston------------------------2 Hallowell----------------------3 [brackets to left showing 2d] Winthrop East Co.--------1 Readfield----------------------2 Balltown West Co.--------1

         Companies 10
 2. Regiment

Vassalborough-------------2 Sidney------------------------1 Winslow----------------------2 Clinton------------------------1 Fairfield-----------------------1 Washington-----------------1 Mount Vernon--------------2

         Companies 10
 3. Regiment

Winthrop West Co.------1 New Sandwich-------------1 Fayette-----------------------1 Monmouth-------------------1 Green-------------------------1 Lewiston---------------------1 Littleborbough-------------1 Litchfield---------------------1 Bowdoin West Co.-----1

         Companies 9
 4. Regiment

Canaan---------------------1 Norridgewock------------1 Starks----------------------1 Farmington---------------2 New Sharon--------------1 Sitcombion[?]-----------1 Barnardston-------------1 Carattink------------------1

         Companies 9
    Major General Dearborn will give orders immediately for carrying into effect the foregoing Arrangement and for organizing the same according to law
    By Order of the Commander in Chief
                                [signed] Wm Dennison  Adj. Genl.

Division Orders-Eighth Division, Pittston October 20, 1795

    Paramount to the foregoing General Orders the Commissioned Officers of the several Companies composing each of the new-formed Regiments in the Division [three preceding words written above the line] will meet on the third Wednesday, being the 21 day of January next eleven o'clock A.M. [previous three words written above line] at the places herein after respectively named, viz.
                       In the first Brigade
    Those of the 1. Regiment at the Dwellinghouse of Capt. Hall Page, Innholder in Bath, to elect a  Regiment as may be vacant. Colo. John Lamont will preside.
    Those of the 2. Regiment at the Dwellinghouse of Capt. Ebenezer Whittier, Innholder in Pownalborough to elect for said Regiment [previous 3 words written above line] a Lt.Colonel Com'dt and two Majors. Genl. Harnben of Woolwich will preside.
    Those of the 3. Regiment at the Dwellinghouse of Thomas McClure Esquire in Bristol to elect for said Regiment, a Lt. Colonel Com'dt and such other Field Officers as may then be vacant.
    The 4. Regiment having sustained no change by the new arrangement, except a small contraction of it limits, retains its ["present" crossed out] Field Officers.
                       In the second Brigade
    The Officers of those Companies composing the 2. Regiment will meet at the Dwellinghouse of Colo. Josiah Hayden, Innholder in Winslow to elect for said Regiment a Lt. Colonel Com'dt & such other Field Officers as may then be vacant. B.Genl Paltec[?] will preside.
    Those of the 3. Regiment at the Dwellinghouse of John Chandler, Innholder in Monmouth to elect for said Regiment, a Lt. Colonel Com'dt and two Majors. Capt. Solomon Stanley of Winthrop will preside.
    Those of the 4. Regiment at the Dwellinghouse of John Clark in Norridgewock, to elect a Lt.Colonel Com'dt. and two Majors for said Regiment. Lt.Colonel John Moor will preside.
    In case any of the persons appointed to preside at the foregoing election, should fail of attending, the senior Officer present will preside -- the presiding Officer to make return of the proceedings to the D.A. Genl. of the Division as soon as may be after the business is accomplished.
            By order of Major General Dearborn
                  [signed] Henry Sewall, D.A. Genl.
                                                    8. Division

[off to the left, in tiny writing, is the following:] After Division Orders, Feb.1.1796 By the Commissioned officers of the several companies composing the first Regiment 2. Brigade, will meet at the Dwellinghouse of Robert Randall, Innholder, at the Hock in Hallowell on Wednesday the 24 day of February inst. at two o'clock P.M. for the purpose of electing for said Regiment a Lieutenant Colonel Commandant & such other Field Officers as may then be vacant. The Deputy Adjutant General of the Division will preside.