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necessary to ascertain and mark that line from Mount Katadin to Chesuncook lake such parts thereof as is not already marked. Should you find it impracticable to run & mark some part of this line on the land you will make such offsets as may be necessary, and ascertain the same as near as practicable and run and mark such parts of it as can be done. It is desirable that the range and check lines of all the townships shall be run and marked; but should the mountaneous, and inaccessable nature of any part of the territory render this impracticable; you will run and mark the lines as far as you can do it, and ascertain and mark the corners of the townships whenever it can be done. In executing this survey you will ascertain as far as you conveniently can what settlements, improvements, and depredations are made on the unlocated lands you survey and return to us the names of persons possessing any improvements, and the right by which they claim, the time when they commenced their settlement, & the extent of their improvements - also the names of all persons who commit depredations, if known, and the extent of such trespasses and depredations on the public land, as far as you can ascertain the same.

You will make and return duplicate maps of your survey, made on parchment, by a scale of two miles to one inch and triplicate copies of your field books and notes, each copy contained in one book, and in addition to the said copies you will make an abstract of the boundaries of each township, and a statement of the quality of the land in each township according to the best of your knowledge and belief. You will also return to us your original field book and notes for Inspection., We feel it our duty