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�and knew that everyone could be pretty well depended upon, but the most of them are gone. Oh yes, there has been a few cases of fever one fellow just came from the doctor in the trench his temp" is away up, but I believe they take some kind of stuff so to get out of the trenches. x "Did well! not a thing to say and wrote a whole page, does that kind of stuff interest you"x They are still after the airship, the big gun has stopped and one of those machine guns that shoot about 650 shots per minute has started. sounds just like a big woodpecker would sound on a hollow tree."big wood pecker + big tree I mean"x that has stopped now. You ought to see our water closets only they are called latrines in the army. when in trenches you balance yourself on a pole, when out they dig narrow holes in the ground, at first I had an awful time I was either tipping forward or backward all the time couldn't seem to keep balanced, but