� 3 Printed in old [form] [?] neptune _ [reuce] [?] crossing [of] [?] by night to avoid being seen from the posts. They got over [the river] [?] where I was thirty miles wide before morning and hid their canoes, concealing themselves so as [x] be out of eight of the telescopes at the [prts,] [?] but before night they were [surprized] [?] by a large number of the Hudson Bay Co. employers who had [been] [?] matching them for some time. They were [fahue firemers,] [?] all their furs [laters] [?] [from theres] [?] and were tied up and terribly whipped. Their guns, knives, hatchets [and] [?] a very little food were then returned to them and they were [told] [?] to go hoem, instead of doing which they returned and made quite a successful [spring hunl.] [?] On their return to [the Smith] side they were again overtaken,