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� Page 53? [?illegible] Records. of. Amos Howards. Family. Amos. Howard. Was. Born. June. 7th. 1815. Cordelia, his. Wife. was. Born. October 6th. 1817. Catherine. W. Moore. was. Born. June. 13th. 1839. Cyntha. W. Howard. was. Born. May. 16th. 1848. Charles E. [P.?] Howard was Born Nov. 15th 1855

Records. of Deaths. In. Amos. Howards. Family. Catherine W. Moore, Died in Boston, Mass. (supposed suicide) April 20th 1871 Amos Howard died [? No date or year] Cordelia his wife " at Cranberry Isles, Aug. 3, 1887