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� STATE OF MAINE Hancock 88 at a Circuit Court of Common Pleas for the then Eastern Circuit, begun and holden at Castine within and for the County of Hancock on the second Tuesday being the eleventh day of said month and by adjournment for day to day on the fifteenth day of said month, I. The year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty before the Honorable William Crosby and James Campbell.

On this fifteenth day of July in the year 1820 personally appeared in Open Court, the same proceeding according to to the course of common law, having jurisdiction unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having " the power of fine and imprisonment," and being a Court of Record for said Circuit, Thomas Davis E, aged sixty five years, resident in Isleborough in said Circuit, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath declare that he searched in the Revolutionary War as follows, viz. as a Mariner in the Ship Ranger commanded by Capt. Simpson under Commodore Whipple on the Continental Establishment as is more particularly mentioned and described in his original declaration, made on the twenty fifth day of May AD 1818, and on which said declaration his Certificate of Pension, numbered 9895 was granted. And I do solemnly swear that I was resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of May 1818; and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with the intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled " An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval services of the United States, the Revolutionary War," passed of the 18 the day of March 1818: and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts, or debts due to me; nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed; that my occupation and ability to pursue the same, together with the number and other particulars of my family, are in fact and truth as is particular in described on the back thereof, also subscribed by me.


Thomas + Davis E

Sworn to and declared on the 15th day of July A.D. 1820

BEFORE the Court Attest Mason Shaw Clerk

Schedule of the real and personal estate (necessary clothing and bedding excepted) belonging to me the subscriber, viz : 1 Iron Pot, 1 Coffee Pot, 1 Pint Pot, 1 Chest -1 Razor, Knife


Thomas + Davis E


Schedule of the family living with me, Thomas Davis E who, by occupation am a laborer which I am unable to pursue by reason of Rheumatism and various infirmities incident to old age

NAMES AGES Capacity of each too tribute to their support

I have no family whatever-nor never had any of the means of supporting Family-and am now unable to support myself without the aid of Public or Private Charity


Thomas + Davis E
