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92 Sept 16

  I got up this morning and started on after the Company. I kept going along but did not overtake the Company. The first thing I knew I came up in sight of the rebel Pickets I went within 25 rods of them. I then turned abought and went back soon I met the company heavy cannonading soon commenced and for abought 12 hours the shot and shell fell thick. I stood behind a building and the shells fell and both sides of me
  I have been sick all day


Sept 17

  This morning the battle commenced with terrible fury on both sides. I could see it now plain. could see our troops advance on the rebels and see the rebels fall back. I was abought half a mile from the battle. I watched the battle till I was tired and then I went back to the camp. The battle continued all day until dark it is called the battle of Antiem

Sept 18

  I layed in camp all day 
  I am sick so I dont do eny duty