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� General Court Martial

                   Washington D.C
                          March 15th 1864

To His Excellency Gov. Cony

                   Mr. Thomas M. Given 

of Brunswick writes me that he is making application for the position of Lieutenant in one one of the Batteries about to be raised in Maine.

      I know Mr. Given very well : he is a 

young man of character and capacity. I am glad he desires to enter the service, and have no doubt that, should you be pleased to grant him the position he wishes, he will fully meet all the requirements of the office, and do honor to his state & the service.

  I feel an interest in Mr. Given as a deserving 

young man, & trust he may receive an appoint- ment suitable to his abilities and education.

                  Very respectfully, your obdt. servt.
                             J.L. Chamberlain.
                             Colonel 20th Maine Vols.