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�On board Steamer Ariel Off

    Fortess Monsor,  Oct. 25th 1861

Dear Father,

            You will see that we have not left - up to present time.  Last night it was generally understood that we should

leave this morning -But this morning came and with it came orders for this Brigade to be ready to disembark at 9 o'clock A.M

         Yesterday I was over to the (?) .  It is a spot of not many acres and nothing visible but granite.  I suppose

that you are aware that there was once a fort there. Part of it still remains and there are some very heavy guns there I saw the celebrated Sawyer gun which you will remember, did such execution on the Rebel works at Sewells' Point. One of the Lieutenants in our (?) was at Sewel's Point in the Rebel Army at the time. (?) first shot (?) a gangway of planks.

          I saw about twenty Rebel prisonsers who were taken

(?) (?) others at Hottenes Inlet.

           One of them was reading a book