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order into effect, until the business shall be fully completed.

The present political prospects of our country flatter us in some degree, that the exigency of our affairs will not require the Detachment to be called into service; but it is our duty on all occasions to be ready for the defence of our free & happy constitutions of government against every invader; and the Commander in chief fully believes, that the citizens of Massachusetts will on this as on every other occasion, yield a ready obedience to the laws, by putting in martial array, in the most expeditious manner possible, the Militia required to be held in readiness by the Act of Congress of the United States.

By order of the Commander in Chief William Donnison, Adjutant General.

Division Orders for the 8. Division, Pittston, Sept. 1. 1797.

The propriety and necessity of a speedy & prompt compliance with the requisitions of the General orders which this accompanies, are so obvious, that the Major-General flatters himself, such an immediately attention will be paid thereunto, as will render any additional remarks unnecessary. Therefore Brigadier-Generals Sewall and Wood will