Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, April 27. 1801.
The proceedings of the late election of field officers in the first regiment having been remonstrated against by a number of the electors, alleging that they were not legally notified thereof, are hereby set aside and a new election directed to take place. The captains and subalterns of the first regiment will therefore assemble at Smith's tavern at the cross roads in Hallowell, on Monday the twenty-fifth day of May next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, then and there to elect a lieutenant-colonel-commandant in the room of lieutenant-colonel commandant Fairbanks, and to fill such other vacancies of field officers as may exist on the day of election. -- It is presumed that sufficient precaution will now be taken to secure to every elector that notice which the law prescribes; and the adjutant will be responsible for any deficiency. -- Colo. Fairbanks is requested again to preside and make return of the election.
By order of B. Gen. Sewall, S. Howard, B. M.
Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division -- Augusta, May 5. 1801.
The Company of Artillery at Winslow will assemble at Jakins' tavern on the 25. day of May instant at 2 o'clock P.M., then & there to elect a Captain in the room of Capt. Chase, who is discharged -- and to choose