[page 350] Q. And you could stand and see a patient abused without ever reporting it? A. Not too much, no, sir. Q. What? A. Perhaps not if I thought he was going to kill him or any thing like that Q. If you thought it would stop short of death you would let it alone? A. I calculated to mind my own business. If it was my business I looked after him Q. How did you happen to interfere in the case of Palmer? A. I didnt interfere any thing about him; no interference there, as I understand it. Q. Did you help take him out? A. I happened to be in there; I dont remember sure whether I had hold of him or not. Q. Were you employed there? A. No sir Q. Was that in your ward? A. I happened to be in the room there one night. Q. How happened you to get mixed up in it if you were minding your own business? A. I happened to be in that room and said to the attendant "let's go in and see him." The watchman took the lantern and we went in with another attendant and saw him. He was in the room there