20 [petitions] to be incorporated as a a town by the name of Franklin - of plantation No 5 - second range in the County of Somerset to be incorporated into a town by the name of Wellington -
[remonstrances] Remonstrances of the Town of Buckfield against the erection of a new County from a part of the Counties of Oxford, Somerset, & Kennebec - of the town of Starks agst. the annexation of Lot No 29 in Said town to the town of Industry - of the town of Norway against the erection of a new^ County to be composed of towns from Oxford, Somerset & Kennebec - of John Hardison and others inhabitants of plantation No 9 agst. the petition of David Hooper & others praying to be incorporated - of the Town of Fryeburg agst. the erection of a new County to be composed of Towns from Oxford, Somerset and Kennebec - were severally read and referenced to the committee on incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
[petitions] Petitions, of John Means & Benjamin Gray a committee of the town of Sedgwick for leave to sell parsonage and school lands - of the Selectmen of Putnam to have their doings made legal - of the Selectmen of Pittston for further time to locate certain lands granted them to aid them in erecting and maintaining a Bridge over Worromontogus stream in said town - were severally read & referred to the committee on new trials.
Petitions, of Peleg Tallman and others for a revision of certain fish laws - of Samuel Hadlock & others inhabitants of Mt Desert of the subject of the fisheries east of Penobscot River - were severally read and referred to the committee on interior fisheries. Sent up for concurrence.