return to this House the Bill entitled an Act to enable the proprietors of Social Military and Law Libraries to manage the same.
[Report incidental expenses &c] The Committee appointed to superintend and control the incidental expenses of the Legislature, have attended to that subject and ask leave to report in part: That no pay be allowed for a Page to the Senate during the present session unless specially ordered by the President thereof A and that no pay be allowed for a Page to the House of Representatives unless specially ordered by the Speaker there of In the Senate Jany 17th 1821 Read and concurred with an amendment at A striking out all of the report after the word thereof Sent up for concurrence in the amendments.
[marriages &c] Committee on the subject of the law on solemnization of marriages - report a reference of the subject to the committee on the digested laws reported by the Board of Jurisprudence consisting of Messrs Abbot, Scammon and Miller. Read and accepted.
[Bath Bank and Kennebec Bank called upon to make returns &c &c.] Ordered that in as much as no return has been made to the Secretary of the States office, of the situation and State of the Bath