Saturday January 20th 1821. Met according to adjournment. [Leave of absence] Mr. Morrell of [of] Wells has leave absence for one week.
[pet. Stephen Merritt & als] Petition of Stephen Merritt and others praying for a law requiring a more rigid survey of lumber. Read and committed to the Committee who have under consideration the same subject consisting of Messrs Atherton, Delano Redington Eden and Wyman.
[Sundry petitions &c for an alteration of the limitation law &c] Petitions of Amos Dennis and others _ of Arnold Glidden and others _ of John Comings & others - of Abram Tarr and others _ of Samuel Gilchrist and others _ of Andrew Robinson and others of Zebulon Stinchfield and others _ of James L. Waters and others _ of John Mc Lean and others _ of Samuel Longfellow and others _ of James W. Head and others _ of Peter Cooper and others _ praying for an alteration of the Law on the limitation of Real Actions. Read and committed to Messrs Stebbins of Alna, Moore of Clinton, Shaw of Newport, Currier of Readfield & Wilson of Bingham.
Bill entitled "An Act establishing the right to the Writ de Homine Relegiando or Writ for Replevying a Man" came back from the Senate with an amendment in which this house concur.