August 30-th; 1929
Dear Mrs. Fuller:! am blocking out a novel that needs, for a part of its backgroun d, -the experienc es or a Maine ship-capt ain in Dart.moor Prison 1n 1815---du ring, that is to say, the War of 1812.
I have '!he Prisoners • Memoirs; Dartmoor Prison; N.Y.; 1852; and a similar book compiled by Nathaniel Hawthorne ; but I want al1 available material on the subject.. I woul.d be very gratef"Ul if you wou1d look through your shelves and see 1:f you can locate some books that might be va]:uable to me. 'llhere might be something al.cmg the line ot voyages; made around tha.t t.ime by local men, that woul.d help me to lick my p1ot. into shape. It you coul.d send me a list of books that seem to you to be along the line of what I need, I will check off the ones that I might use.
I spent a day recently with your friend Ensign ot1s; and he helped me in the purchase of a piece of land on the Georges River. He thought 11.hat there was a great deal or genealogi cal material. 1n the AlJ8Usta library: possibly even records ot Maine ships. If this is the ca.se, please 1et me ask you whether there can be found a.ny recon1; anywhere;· ot m.y grealgrandta."th er Daniel Nason. who was a ship-