[page 411] substituted for it? A. I dont know. Q. Hasn't that fallen within your experience? A. There have been straps used there while I was there. Q. The bed-straps you mean have been used there? A. There have been no bed-straps used since I have been there. Q. How far back does your experience there date? A. I went there in 1874. Q. How long did you stay? A. Between 2 and 3 years Q. Successively? A. Yes, sir. Q. When you went there the lodge system was in vogue? A. Yes, sir Q. And the bed-straps were not used? A. No, sir. Q. In the Taunton hospital the strap system was in use and not the lodge existed? A. Yes, sir. Q. Don't you know as matter of fact it was deemed wiser here to substitute the lodge system, more human to the patient, and that was why it was done? A. Dont remember that was why it was don? A. Dont remember that I ever heard it spoken of Q. It occurred before you went in? A. The change? Q. You have been an attendant in the Taunton