Memo relative to letter of Henry S. Burrage bearing date Oct. 22, '07
The reason that the names of men against whom were entered the remarks "Distacharged," "Decseased, "Deserted," or "Missing," are included in the list of men belonging to Maine who were at Valley Forge in the winter 1777-1778, is that entire companies of Maine men were found serving in the first three Mass. Line regiments whose company rolls were examined, and the clerk entrusted with the work copied the rolls in their entirety and the various remarks were entered against the names of individuals preciseley as give on the original rolls. When the search was carried further and embraced all the Mass. Line regiments which were at Valley Forge the clearks were instructed to eliminate all names of Maine men who could not have been present at Valley Forge, according to the evidence of the rolls, by reason of discharge, desertion or death. If Mr. Burrage desires to preserve only the names of those who ere actully present between Oct., 1777 and April, 1778 it is a simple matter to eliminate from the listst in his possession the fifty-two names carrying remarks conveying absolute proff that the men were not present with their regiments.
J.J. F [signed initials]