228 Resolve - finally[underlined] passed also Resolve - authorizing the State Treasurer to suspend the purchase of a standard of weights + measures which were severally finally[underlined] passed.
Bill - establish CC. Pleas. The same committee reported as duly engrossed Bill "to establish a Court of Common Please" which on motion was amended at A + B and the Clerk was requested to communicate the same by message to the Senate + request their concurrence —
Bill - Min.'[underlined] School[underlined] Lands to be printed Bill "authorizing the sale of ministerial + school lands" — was read a 1st + 2nd time and tomorrow at 12 oclock assigned for a 3d reading and referred to Messrs Chase of Livermore, Belcher of Farmington and Carpenter of No3. with range and 200 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the members.
Committee - on salaries of Justices of CC. Pleas. Ordered[underlined], that Messrs Bridgham of Leeds, Pond of Bucksport, and Dunn of Poland with such as the Senate may join be a committee to consider what sums shall be allowed as compensation to the Justices of the Courts of Common Pleas — with leave to report by bill or otherwise — read + passed — Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - salaries of certain offices + Bill "in addition to an act establishing the salary of certain officers" — was read a 1st + 2nd time + tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.
Resolve - laying a tax on counties + The committee on County Estimates — reported a Resolve laying a tax on the several Counties — which was read + recommitted to the same committee.
Rep. on pet. of Edmd Knight + als The committee on the petition of Edmund Knight + others