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SENATOR E. L. PHILOON OF AUBURN. HO the Senator's a democrat. he's built on broader l1n~, Than mere partisanship, in politics, so commonly assi2DS: And. for years he has exempWled what democrats should use. By standing for and stan~ in "an honest pair ot shoes." But alas! ot shoes and democrats. SUPlllies were incomplete,
- 80 he went to maki~ shoes and votes; and ~ot there with both teet.
His support was so well ~unded; it became a babit soon -To break the lines of party and to rally for Philoon; But he justified their confidence, by knuckling not to r~ -Which we consider quite a marvel, in the present state of things. -Thus. we sent him to Augusta, where be helped to make the laws _ And he nover l>roved disloyal to the unlversaI cause. His hobby's education and he's appointed by the State;_ l\'Iaine's new Board of Education to devise and form ulate. -He a "Pilgrim" by adoption, as well as by descent; He's a cordial friend and nei~hbor-a man of hi~h intent; 'If the world bad more just like him. we could forestal our present fa And could cast our votes for cbaracrer; and not for politics.
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