293 B.[bold] Bills - in various stages. - "to incorporate the Proprietors of Burnt Meadow {Brook Canal. - -} 184. 187. 205. 227. " to provide for a case of vacancy in the office of the Secretary of State.} 187. 200. 218. 220. 227. " to establish a Court of Common Pleas. . 189. 211. 214. 222. 228. " incorporate the Trustees of the Castine Ministerial Fund. 189. 208. 256. " incorporate the Trustees of the Castine School Fund. 189. 208. 256. 262. " to cede to the U.S. the jurisdiction of Dennets Island {so called in Piscataquis River - } 190. 198. 219. "an additional act to ascertain the quality of {Butter + Hogs Lard + + + } 197. 237. 255. "to establish a school fund in the town for Hartford. 198, 208. 233. 257. " in addition to an act entitled an act to provide {for the education of Youth - -} 199. 211. 227. "to incorporate the Master, Wardens + Members of Maine Lodge - - - -} 200. " an additional to an act respecting Wiscasset Bank. 204. 207. 262 " additional to an act authorizing Courts to {liberate or dispose of poor convicts in service} 204. 208. 219 "authorizing the Executor of the last Will and testament of Benjamin Cole to sell certain lands} 205. 208. 227. "to regulate the exportation of provisions in certain cases. 205. 208. 220. 257. "to incorporate the Trustees of the School fund of Lovell 210. 213. 240. "to incorporate the Master, Warden + Members of Lincoln Lodge. 212. 224. 257. "to alter the names of certain persons therein named. 213. 222. 251. "to annex lot numbered 7 in the 13 range in township No4 - to Dixfield. } 220. 225. 240. "to establish a ministerial fund in the town {of Raymond - - } 222. 267. 277. " to incorporate the proprietors of the East {Meeting House in Machias} 223. 227. 251. " to incorporate the proprietors of the centre { meeting House in Farmington} 223. 225. 240. " to incorporate the Props of Great Marsh on Pleasant River. 224. 237. 261. 269.