September llth. Dear Mrs. Puller:Thank you very much for the books and
1the list.. I would like very much to look at. 923.5s79; St;,athan;· Privateer s and Privateer ing. I will. buy Roosevelt . '!he Congressi onal Library has sent. me Coggeshal l and Maclay on American privat.eer s} and I have been fort.\lllate enotigh to get some seven narrative s ot American prisoners in Dartmoor trom dealers in Washingto n and Boston; as well as some or the Esse:z: Institute material.. I tbmk; in fact.; that I am pretty well set. to make a start on plott.ing 'the new novel. 1
I could never have written the 250,000
words ot Artmdel 1n seven months unless I had removed myself from t.he inf'luence or t.elephone s, telegraph s; automobil es; outboard mot.ors; synthetic gin and visiting a.cquainta. nces t.o an It.alian bill to,m where "there was nothing to do except. write a:,oo words a dayi Sundays and fiestas included.
I correct myself: it. was Maclay on Privateers that. the Congressi onal Library sent me. The Coggeshal l came from you. Can you stretch the time I can have it? Otherwise I know where I can buy a copy. I have been spoiled! by the Congressi onal Library; which let.s me have books 1ndat1n1t .ely. I was lucky enough to find one or the big original colored print.a o:r the Massa.ere ot Americans 1n Dartmoor. Did I tell you that. one ot the band-made pike-head s;, made by,
Arnold's blacksmit hs for the at·6-~ on Que.........