[154] Friday afternoon Feb. 1, 1822 [Feb. 1, 1822] [Resolve] Mr. McDonald from the Committee on the Militia, to whom that subject was referred - reported a Resolve for furnishing the Militia with stands of Colours - and Musical instruments - which was read and committed to the Committee on Bills in the second reading & tomorrow 10 o'clock assigned for second reading.
[Bills] The following Bills were read a second time and passed to be engrossed to wit Bill to incorporate the trustees of the School fund of Lovel. Bill to incorporate the South Berwick Bank, as taken into a new draft - sent down for concurrence. Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Center meeting house in Farmington - sent down for concurrence. Bill additional respecting the Wiscasset Bank. Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the East meeting House in Machias as taken into a new draft. Sent down for concurrence - and a Bill establishing a Court of Common Pleas as amended in the House and further amended by the Senate. Sent down for concurrence.
[Bills] The Bill for the relief of Poor debtors reported by the Committee with amendments was again under consideration - and committed to Messrs. Bond and Wheeler Bill to incorporate the town of Cooper in the county of Washington was taken from the table and committed to Messrs. O'Brien and Burnham. Bill in addition to An Act to secure to owners their property in Logs, masts, spars etc. was read a second time and committed to Messrs. Ripley and Pierce.
The vote passing the Resolve granting a pension to John Carlton 2nd - to be engrossed was, on motion, reconsidered