350 of Manufacturing Corporations. Read a first, second and third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence
Rep. mode of taking Depositions - Committee to whom was referred the Bill "prescribing the mode of taking depositions" report the same with amendments and it is read a first and second time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a third Reading.
Bill - incorp.State Marine Insur. Comp. Bill "to incorporate the State Marine Insurance Company" In Senate FebY 26th 1821. Passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence. Read a first and second time and amended in the title by striking out the word "State" & inserting instead thereof "Portland" and tomorrow at nine oclock assigned for a third Reading.
Bill - further time allowed Coroners to give bonds & - Bill "allowing to Coroners further time within which to give Bonds to the Treasurer of the State" Read a first and second time and tomorrow morning at 9 oclock assigned for a third Reading.
Resolve - compensation to James Bridge, Albert Nowhall & Wm Swan Resolve allowing to James Bridge Esq $91.25 Albert Newhall & William Swan Esqs each $137.62 for their services and expences as a Committee for investigating the doings of certain Banks. In Senate FebY 7 26th 1821. Passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Read a first time and tomorrow at nine oclock assigned for a second Reading.
Ordered That Messrs Sprague of Hallowell Nourse of Orrington, Reed of Waldoboro', Wilson of