
From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
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November 24th. Dear Mrs. F'uller:Yesterday I mailed you a package containing the bound manuscript of ARmTpEL, a nine-toot strip detail map o:r the ~nnebec used 1n the writing of the book, a modern map of the country from the Height of Land to Quebec, and an inscribed photo stat copy of' a hitherto unpublished F,...ench eng1naer•s map of' old Quebec, ..,,obtained from the Oongressional Library. As a matter of record I wou1d like to have these acknowledged as loans at any time that suits ;your convenience. As I have said,--!" wou.Iif prefer to ·na:v~ --·-· these unopened until. the book is out., so you needn't bother with an acknowled~ement. until later. I am leaving here tomorrow anyway, though letters directed to me here will be forwarded at once. I do not know how you propose to

display this material, or even whether you propose to display it at all until you have yciur new bu1ldin~. If you do display it, however, I hope you will have 1n mind a feeling that I think is common to a great many authors----that rejected sections of' a manuscript are not the author's final thoughts. and therefore shoul.d not b,e di splayed. If it should be . shown• I trust. that 1 t will be guarde·d from the gay and carefree army of souvenir hunters who have no objection to ripping pages out of manuscripts for no apparent reason whatever. When I was preparing to do this work. I ac-
