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January 14, 1930

Doubleday Doran and Company, Garden City, New York. Attention of Mr. Cooper My dear Mr. Cooper;! have been eagerly anticipating the

appearance of "Arundel", but I can truthfully say that it far exceeds my expectations. Not only is it a most interesting novel, but Mr. Roberts has handled the historical background in a we~arkably cmnvincing manner. .:ve ab.all mention "Arundel" in the Spring issue


of our library Bulletin; I wish it were a monthly, instead of a quarterly, so that we could at once note that.from a Maine author has vome a real historical novel of Maine. Mr. Roberts writes me that you, or Mr. Longwell might wish a copy of his bibliography. I shall be glad to send it to you any time 1Jhat j'ou wish it.• Does mr. Roberts accent the first syllable, the second_J or does he make· "Arundel a two syllable word, like the English town? I mentioned it in a book talk last week and had to take a chance on the pronounciation. Thank you very m~ch for sending Me a copy of "Arundel". Sincerely yours, Marion Cobb Fuller