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January 15 1930

Mr. Kenneth I,. Roberta, Porto Santo stefar:o,Ite.ly.

My dear Mr. Roberts;-

I read "Arundel" before the publication date and then I was mor>e than 1"1pat1ent to open the pa~kage which harJ bHen waiting in our aaf'e until the tenth or January. Vte e.:re delighter! to 1'..a.ve the manuscript and the maps he,...o• and we will take the best of care of them. At prf!'sent• they will stay 1n the safe, sine~ we have no room for an exh1b1tton ease. \Ve hope that when we have our new library and a place to display our· trea.sl...res(as we shall have 1 if we have an.yt:h1ngt) you will considei~ le'::ding us the collection of Arnoldana which you rnention in your letter ofNovemb~r twenty-fourth. you requestec1.

We enclose a rec~1pt for th~ manuscript and maps 1 . as

I have written to your publlshe1"R thnt I sh,11 be very glad to send them a copy of th,'3 Bibliography if they Wish it. I +hink the.t your 11st includes nearly ev~ryt.hin3 t,hA.t ~u had from here. exee .,t • possibly,"!!ew England Captives Carried to

Canada"{Coleman) and" H1sto1re des Abenakis",Mam-e.ult:) ntd y(')u have these?

we shall make 1 t a point to save all r,e't'hews or ar"Undel.would you care to have them placed on the blank leaves at the end of the manuacripti I haven't seen t',e New Yo1"k Ti.,,es Review. but I am sending for it. Mr. Abbott says it 1~ a veI7 good one. What t1m you will have opening your :i.'!&11 and rear-1ng the reT1en or J'Ollr book ~nd all the congratulatory letters about it. Will you decloe an extra spec'ial Saint's Day• ubloek your door. turn your back on the Lost Lady, and read your American mail? I believe that you ret,nm.ed all of the material about privateers except Privateers and-y1"1veteer1ng by Statham. We aaaume that you are still using it • and are keepi·,g it renewed. I think tha. t the state 1s to be congratulated because a lraine mn has written a !11stor1eal novel of Maine which will, ubdoubtedly • have a place amor..g the very best h1ator1eal novels 4m&t-ica has produced. With V81!'J' sincere congratulations.,

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