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IL I( \V Jf DON If 1\\ IP'OH'JL'O §A\N'Jl'O §'Jl'JFDIB'ANO· (GlC-iO§§mnr«:.»)

tent talk; in the end;· rill sell more books than advertising; and I am in hopes that if Maine people keep on t.alkillg; it w111 still take hold. ?his it has not yet done. The first. three months sales W'ere terribly dosappo1nt1ng;, being slightly under 7000.

Mr. Tark:-

!ngton had confidently pr edi1etec!J t.bat if the publishers could once get it to 10;000; it would go to 300;000. This, it. seems t.o me, is 0

pretty violent predicting; but I am still 1n hopes that something will happen to give it the shove that puts 1t over. God on1y knows what it is that makes a book take hold • • • • I hope that some da.y

the state itsel~ will realize what a tremendous adverj51s1ng value such a book bas, 1:f it can attain a sufficient encul.ation; but I mow;; of c:ourse; tba t such things are not readily sensed!. It is something that I cannot t.alk freely about; since pr&ct1cal].y everyone that I spoke freely to would think that. I wa.s trying to make ca.pi tal. for myself out of it-----whereas 1:r I had MAn ii-Pying 1to do._.~ that; I wouldi bever have written that sort of' book, any more than I would have written THE LIVELY LADY. Ir I'd. wantoo to make money out

of 1t; I'd have written it serial length----from 70,000 to


words long; and it would. have been almost entirely lacking 1n color; texture and accUli'acy.

Well, it •s a tunny world..

With best wishes and renewed thanks I am Very sincerely yours,

Gpster (talk) I was very sorry to hear from Bill Abbott that he is leaving the Maine Development Commission, and I hope that something may occur to change his mind. The Page Cooper of whom you spesk is Miss Cooper: not. Mr. Cooper.