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[Bills] The following bills were read, and assigned for a second reading tomorrow at ten o’clock and committed to the the committee on bills in the second reading viz. Bill relative to the tender of money in suits at law - Bill to authorize the sale of Ministerial and School lands in the town of Sangerville - and the Bill to establish a fund for the support of schools in the town of Freeman - The Bill - in addition to the act relating to elections was read a second time - and recommitted to the committee on bills in the second reading.

[Bills] The following bills were read a second time and passed to be engrossed to wit Bill to set off Asa Young with his estate from the town of Dearborn and annex him with his estate to the town of Waterville - sent down for concurrence - being amended - Bill respecting the collection of taxes on unimproved land not taxable by the assessors of any town or plantation - sent down for concurrence

[Bills enacted] The following bills, reported by the Committee on engrossed bills to be truly copied, were severally passed to be enacted, viz. Bill to incorporate the town of Dover — the Bill entitled An Act providing for the limitation of certain actions and for other purposes - An Act to incorporate the Master, Wardens and Members of the United Lodge, An Act giving the privileges of legitimacy to certain persons therein named - and the bill entitled An Act to change the name of the town of Gerry. -

[Resolve] The Resolve for the relief of Oliver Perkins was also reported by the same committee as truly copied - and it was passed.