MR. E. K. DAY, RUMFORD FALLS. N 1001dng at this picture don't get your notion wrong, Tbat wben lUr. Day ~'oes traveling, be takes bis block along; No! It's there, -its doors wide open for every customer who calls, As a tribute to the bustle of the tmvn of Rumford FaUs. 'Vllen the trolley was projected over Oxford Hills afar. To the lovely town or Betbel where the gor~'eons landscapes are, 'Twas this man helped to build it; pushed it eal'ly; pushed it late; Nevel' left off working for it; never ceased to agitate TilJ the buzzing of tile trolley came as music to the ears. Linldng pl'osperous towns together for the passing of the years. He's a foe to retrogreseton and a friend of Illodern Peace; In secret orders. he's enJisted where his friendships never cease, To the welfare of his fellows, be gives thougbt and actual work. Stands square for civic duties with no tendency to shirl{, In shOl't.---a hell)ful citizen; this what his neighbors say:A hustling business factor and as honest as the Day.