and on the petition of the Inhabitants of Eastport that leave be granted to withdraw their petition - Which reports were severally read and accepted - sent down for concurrence - came up concurred
[Reports on petitions -] Mr Buxton from the Committee on Incorporation of Parishes &c to whom was referred the Petition of the Master, Wardens &c of Lincoln Lodge - and also the Petition of James Ricker and others - reported that they have leave to bring in Bills - on their said petitions - which reports were read and accepted - Sent down for concurrence - came up concurred.
[Committee on Act authorizing courts to liberate convicts &c] On motion, ordered that Messrs Bradbury and Witham be a committee to consider the expediency of amending an act entitled An Act authorizing Courts to liberate or dispose of poor convicts in service - with leave to report by bill or otherwise -
The Senate adjourned