EX-SENATOR GEORGE W. STEARNS of Millinocket TEARNS of Millinocket! He's standing in his place; A rugged personality is pictured in his face; He fixes, on the Senators, an ~er watchful glance And then, in rapt persuasion, be nlalies the figures dance. As I recall him, in the Senate, he had a happy way Of taJki~ mighty little, save when he bad a lot to say. And tIns method's been his practice, In bis business hitbm'to. Which aecounts for Stearns's babit of Imowing wbat to do. He's been growing UP. with cities, like the pioneers or earth. lIe saw Rumford Falls in infancy; l\lilIinocket. at her birth. Real estate! He knows the business, in the way of large affairs, In town-~,rerml1ent authority-be's lrnows its Inany CaI'es lIe's pushed for schools and business, in insistent sort of way, And bas made business serve to pleasure as well as serve to pay. In social life, a neigbbor--a friend, where'er you goThis is Stearns of l\lilIinocketi-a man you ought to know.