VER heal' of the Sturgis Law? Dryest edict you ever saw! Man who made it-a diver was: duve one day for temperance laws. Into the sea fl'om off dJ.'y-land: up he came with the bill-in-hand Strong on water, couldn't help be: soaked so long in depths of the sea! H. H. Sturg;is of Cumberland: used to building thill~, that stand; Deals in lumber-stump to stuff: always makes things strons: enoug:h Stops up the leaks whenever he can: known as "Clark's Flexible Packing: man~' Saw a platfol'lll labeled "Enforce:" propped it up with a law. of course! Lo! It wasn't like other laws: double teeth and a set of claws! Made the State of Maine so dry: couldn't irrigate your eye. Hit the rummies-well you bet: couldn't whistle for want of wct, And those who yelled "Dont nullify;" now are mad because it's dry. H. H. Sturgis, Cumberland: used to building thing;s that stand! 'When he has a job to do-usually pUts it thl'u.