[1823 January 4]
Washington County to build a jail at Eastport and of Selectmen of Cornish to mark valid the doings of said town; - and they were severally read and committed to the same committee in concurrence with House.-
The following petitions, committed in the House to the Joint Standing Committee on the Incorporation of Towns came up for concurrence viz-
[Pet Benj R. Jones et. als] Petition of Benjamin R. Jones and others of Township No 10 to be annexed to the town of Dennyville - [John Page et als] " of John Page and others of Athens praying that a certain part of said town may be annexed to Harmony- [Nahum Baldwin] "of Nahum Baldwin and others of Mercer praying to be separated from said town and annexed to the town of New Sharon - [Pet. of Town of Putnam] "of selectman of the town of Putnam praying that said town may take the name of Washington instead of Putnam. "of selectmen of Putnam that town lines may be defined. [Jn Henderson & als] "of John Henderson and others to be set off from Frankfort and annexed to Monroe- [Atherton Pratt & als] "of Atherton Pratt and others of the westerly part of the town of Cannan praying that said part of said town may be incorporated. [Jesse Higgins & als] "of Jesse Higgins and others of Eden that a new town may be made from a part of said town and Mount Desert. "of