labour by one of the Auditors of the Treasury, and being now under the consideration of a Committee, there is reason to expect an early report, and that it will be definitively acted upon before the close of the present session. In compliance with a Resolve passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts in June last, regarding that a meeting of the Commissioners appointed under the act relating to the separation of Maine, should be holden, to consider the expediency of further surveys & divisions of the lands remaining undivided the said Commissioners met in July, and having ordered surveys and adopted such measures as would enable them to make a further division, adjourned to meet in December last to receive the returns and plans of the surveyors, and to proceed in the execution of their trust, as the interests of both States might require. At the meeting in December, the surveys of two ranges of townships, lying west of the line forming our eastern boundary and extending nearly to the St. John's river were accepted, and