� [the following is a form with handwritten additions, deletions, oath and schedules]
STATE OF MAINE [HEADER] COUNTY OF PENOBSCOT, ss. At a [handwritten] Circuit Court of Common Pleas begun and holden at Bangor in and for the county of Penobscot on the fourth Tuesday of June A.D. 1820 [handwritten insertion]
On this twentyseventh [handwritten] day of June [handwritten] in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty, personally appeared in open court, being a court of record within and for said County and State of Maine, established by a law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, made and passed on the eleventh [stricken] twentyfirst [handwritten] day of June A.D. 1811, and recognized by the Constitution of the State of Maine, Isaac Clewly [handwritten] aged sixty nine [handwritten] years, resident in Brewer [handwritten], in said county of Penobscot, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows:
[handwritten] that I enlisted under Capt Oliver Pond in the Regiment of Col. Joseph Reed Massa. in years service sometime in the fall of 1775. served out said term and enlisted as a private under Capt Thomas Seward of the Third Artillery Regiment Col. John Crane, for the first three years service, at the end of said term I again enlisted into the same company during the War and rec'd my discharge, at West Point, after Peace was concluded, or in more particular set forth in the original Declaration made before Hon. Martin Kinsley, one of the Justices of this Court, on the seventh day of March A.D. 1818 -- Upon which I received a pension certificate No. 9.163 signed by the Secretary of War.
[return to pre-printed format] And I Isaac Clewly [handwritten] do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary War," passed on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts, or debts due to me; nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed.
[handwritten] Real Estate -- Personal Estate 1 cow 1 yearling 1 swine 2 sheep I owe about $150 which I am liable to be pressed for payment. Occupation Shoemaker owing to bad sight not able to pursue it to advantage Family [underlined] myself aged 66 years my wife aged 60 years 1 son John [inserted] aged 13 years Isaac Clewly
[copy covers Clerk's note that finishes:] day of June A.D. 1820 before the Court Att. Thos Cobb Clerk
Penobscot C.C.C. Pleas at Bangor June Term A.D. 1820 I certify that it is the opinion of the Court that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is thirtyfour dollars Thos Cobb Clerk