22] [1827] Monday January 8th 1827 [petition of I. Jenkins] On motion by Mr Francis the petition of Isiah Jenkins and others was taken from the files and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of towns. Sent down for concurrence, came up concurred
[A. Nichols accepted] A communication from Amos Nichols signifying his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State was received, read and sent down
[communication of the Land agent ref -] On motion by Mr Butman the communication of the Land Agent was taken up and with the accompanying papers referred to the Committee on State Lands, sent down for concurrence, came up concurred. [order for printing Land Agents Report] On motion by Mr Butman the Secretary of the Senate was directed to cause to be printed 200 copies of the Land Agent Report and of the Auditors report of the Land Agents accounts for the use of the members of the Legislature
[Treasurers Report] A communication was received from Elias Thomas Treasurer of State transmitting his annual report which was read and with he accompanying report referred to Messrs Churchill and Butman with such as the House may join, sent down for concurrence, came up concurred
[Message committ] Order of the House of Representatives that so much of the Governors communication as it related to the public lands be referred to the Joint Standing Committee on State Lands 2. so much as relates to the North Eastern Boundary of this State to Messrs Dean, Nance, and Nickerson with such as the Senate may join. 3. So much as relates to Literature and Literary Institutions to the Joint Standing Committee on those subjects.