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[23] [1827] [Message committed] 4 so much as relates to the State Prison to Merrs Burr, Hodgman and Robbins with such as the Senate may join

5 so much as relates to the Massachusetts claim to Merrs Smith, Mitchell and Osgood with such as the Senate may join

6 so much as relates to Banks and banking to the joint standing committee on that subject

7 So much as relates to the simplifying and systematizing the Laws to the Joint standing committee on the Judiciary

8 and that so much as relates to the militia and military affairs to the joint standing committee on that subject, came up for concurrence, was read and concurred and the Senate to the committee on the subject of the North Eastern Boundary joined Messrs Williams and Balham to the committee relating to the Massachusetts Claims Messrs Churchill and Hathaway and to the committee on that part relating to the State Prison Merrs Stebbins and Butman

On motion by Mr Kimball ordered that Merrs Kimball Dennett and Washburn be a Committee to make such arrangements at this Board as will enable the members who occupy seats No. 7, 9 and 11 retain the same without inconvenience from the fire.

[Canada Road] Order of the House of Representatives that so much of the Governor’s message as relates to opening a communication between Kennebec River and Canada be referred to Messrs Evans, Shaw and Fletcher with such as the Senate may join was read and passed in concurrence & Messrs Williams and Weston were joined.

[Penobscot & tributaries] Order of the House of Representatives that Messrs Carpenter, Davee and Brent with such as the Senate may join be a Committee to take into consideration so much of the Gov [Comt. on -]